
Date of birth : , Saint-Martin du Bois

8th parliamentary term Jean ARTHUIS

Political groups

  • 01-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe - Member

National parties

  • 01-07-2014 / 31-08-2017 : Union des Démocrates et Indépendants (France)
  • 01-09-2017 / 01-07-2019 : La République en marche (France)


  • 07-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Committee on Budgets
  • 25-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Committee on Budgets


  • 01-07-2014 / 06-07-2014 : Committee on Budgets
  • 07-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Conference of Committee Chairs
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegation for relations with Iran
  • 19-01-2017 / 24-01-2017 : Committee on Budgets
  • 25-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Conference of Committee Chairs


  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee
  • 17-10-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Committee on Budgetary Control
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Committee on Budgetary Control
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Main parliamentary activities

Contributions to plenary debates

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Reports - as rapporteur

A rapporteur is appointed in the responsible parliamentary committee to draft a report on proposals of a legislative or budgetary nature, or other issues. In drafting their report, rapporteurs may consult with relevant experts and stakeholders. They are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs. Reports adopted at committee level are then examined and voted on in plenary. Rule 55

Opinions - as rapporteur

Committees may draft an opinion to a report of the responsible committee covering the elements linked to their committee remit. Rapporteurs of such opinions are also responsible for the drafting of compromise amendments and negotiations with shadow rapporteurs of the opinion. Rule 56, Rule 57, Annex VI

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing ‘Erasmus’: the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013

26-11-2018 BUDG_AD(2018)626923 PE626.923v02-00 BUDG

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2017/825 to increase the financial envelope of the Structural Reform Support Programme and adapt its general objective

19-06-2018 BUDG_AD(2018)620816 PE620.816v02-00 BUDG

OPINION on implementation of the EU external financing instruments: mid-term review 2017 and the future architecture post-2020

22-02-2018 BUDG_AD(2018)616571 PE616.571v02-00 BUDG

Opinions - as shadow rapporteur

Political groups designate a shadow rapporteur for an opinion to follow progress and negotiate compromise texts with the rapporteur. Rule 215

OPINION on the draft report on the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020) and repealing Decisions No 1718/2006/EC, No 1855/2006/EC and No 1041/2009/EC (Text with EEA relevance)

08-12-2016 BUDG_AD(2016)592201 PE592.201v02-00 BUDG

OPINION on Erasmus+

10-11-2016 BUDG_AD(2016)589310 PE589.310v02-00 BUDG

OPINION on the preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020 – Parliament’s input ahead of the Commission’s proposal

08-06-2016 AGRI_AD(2016)577060 PE577.060v02-00 AGRI
Peter JAHR

Major interpellations

Major interpellations for written answer with debate, addressed to the European Commission, the Council or the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union, may be tabled by a committee, a political group or at least 5% of Parliament’s component Members. Rule 139, Annex III

Other parliamentary activities

Written explanations of vote

Members can submit a written explanation of their vote in plenary. Rule 194

European Defence Fund (A8-0412/2018 - Zdzisław Krasnodębski) FR


J’ai voté en faveur du Fonds européen de la défense. Il s’agit d’une avancée remarquable pour ce projet de défense européenne présent dans les tuyaux depuis les années 1950. Néanmoins, son budget, de 13 milliards d’euros sur la période 2021-2027, reste minime en comparaison des budgets de défense nationaux. Il aura au moins le mérite d’amorcer une rationalisation des coûts en la matière en Europe, condition importante pour assurer la pérennité de nos armées. C’est un outil important mis à la disposition d’une Europe qui protège; à nos États maintenant de l’exploiter au mieux et de coopérer en bonne foi, intelligence et solidarité.

InvestEU (A8-0482/2018 - José Manuel Fernandes, Roberto Gualtieri) FR


J’ai voté en faveur de ce texte. Bien que contrainte par la faiblesse de ses moyens et prérogatives en matière d’investissements, l’Union européenne fait preuve de génie grâce à cet instrument qui lui assurera un levier financier pour atteindre ses objectifs en matière d’infrastructures, d’innovation, de recherche, de soutien aux PME et de développement du capital humain. Je loue en particulier le travail de simplification et d’harmonisation entrepris par nos institutions qui permettra de soulager les bénéficiaires devant se conformer à des procédures longues et complexes pour bénéficier de ces financements essentiels à leur croissance.

European Border and Coast Guard (A8-0076/2019 - Roberta Metsola) FR


J’ai voté pour ce texte réformant « Frontex ». Je salue la création de 10 000 postes d’ici 2027 ainsi que l’élargissement de son champ d’action. Il s’agit d’un texte primordial pour la construction d’une Europe qui protège.

Written questions

Members can submit a specific number of questions to the President of the European Council, the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union, for written answer. Rule 138, Annex III


Original signed/dated declaration archived by the European Parliament.