To mark World Refugee Day at the European Parliament, the LIBE, DEVE, and DROI Committees are jointly hosting an exchange of views, focusing on forgotten crises as well as the importance of inclusion and finding solutions for displaced people who have found refuge in a foreign country.
Members will have the opportunity to hear and discuss with a panel of guests composed of Mr Bahati Mnyci, originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo and a refugee in Zimbabwe since 2003, who is now completing a Master's degree in Italy and will share his lived experience of forced displacement as well as the impact education has had throughout his life; Ms Yasmine Rockenfeller, Chief of Global Issues Unit in the UNHCR Brussels office; as well as Mr Francesco Luciani, Head of Unit for "Migration and Forced Displacement" in the Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships and Ms Esther Pozo Vera, Head of Unit for "Asylum" in the Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs.
Relevant materials published by the European Parliamentary Research Service