JURI: Vote on SLAPPs and geographical indications

26-06-2023 - 15:16
Vote © Image used under the license from Adobe Stock

On 26 June 2023, the JURI commitee will hold a hearing on Harmonising certain aspects of insolvency law (16.00-17.30). The Members will also consider draft opinion on geo-blocking (2023/2019(INI)) and draft repommendation on geographicsl indications (2022/0372(NLE)). Finally, the Members will hear reporting back from the mission to San Francisco and from trilogues on Protection of the environment through criminal law and replacing Directive 2008/99/EC (2021/0422(COD)).

On 27 June 2023, the JURI Committee will vote on the report on Strategic lawsuits against public participation (2022/0117(COD)) and recommendation on geographical indications (2022/0372(NLE)). The committee will also have exchange of views with EFRAG group and hear statements from shortlisted candidates for the post of the Executive Director of EUIPO. The Members will further consider the draft report on Proposed amendments to Protocol No 3 on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union (2022/0906(COD)) and on Digitalisation and Administrative Law (2021/2161(INL)).The committee will hold exchange of views on Policy implications of the development of virtual worlds (2023/2062(INI)) and on further expanding and upgrading the use of digital tools and processes in company law (2023/0089(COD)). Moreover, the committee will hear reporting back from the trilogues on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (2022/0051(COD)).