ENVI exchange of views with Commissioner for Crisis Management
26-06-2023 - 13:38
On 26 June, ENVI will hold an exchange of views with Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management to discuss the developments since the revision of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) in May 2021 and look at synergies with climate mitigation and adaptation measures.
In February 2023 the Commission established the European disaster resilience goals (Anticipate - Prepare - Alert - Respond - Secure ), with the aim to improve the capacity of the EU, the Member States and Participating States to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to anticipate and withstand the effects of future major disasters and emergencies. In April 2023 the Commission adopted a proposal for a decision that will ensure that the EU can continue providing emergency support to Member States in fighting wildfires through the capacities developed under the 'rescEU transition' until the permanent European aerial forest firefighting fleet will become available.