ENVI vote on COP28 resolution

26-06-2023 - 13:39
COP28 - word cloud in the shape of the globe and a pair of hands
COP28 © Adobe

During an ENVI committee meeting on 26 June, Members will consider the a draft motion for a Resolution, outlining the European Parliament's position and recommendations for the upcoming 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 28).

In particular, it focuses on the first global stocktake and highlights the need for all Parties to increase their Nationally Determined Contributions to close the "emissions gaps", and the "implementation gaps". The draft resolution also urges all Parties to deliver a credible, robust and implementable global goal on adaptation (GGA) framework and to operationalize the loss and damage finance facility. At the EU level, the draft resolution calls for setting Union-wide post-2030 intermediate climate targets.

The draft resolution emphasises the importance of international climate finance and sustainable finance, and stresses the need for increased efforts across all sectors. Finally, the draft resolution calls for participation of all citizens and civil society organisations at COP28 and highlights various impacts of climate change on citizens with respect to gender, age, disability, ethnicity and poverty. To note, ENVI will send a delegation to COP28.