ENVI vote on draft report to protect water against pollution and deterioration
26-06-2023 - 13:39

ENVI Members will vote on the draft report on the Water Framework, Surface Water and Groundwater Directive on protecting water against pollution and deterioration.
The proposal aims to protect the ground- and surfacewater against new pollutants in line with the Zero Pollution Action Plan and Biodiversity Strategy. It also aims to ensure quicker alignment with scientific findings and to respond to contaminants of emerging concern, reduce administrative burden and improve access, transparency and re-use of data, while enhancing coherence with the wider EU legal framework dealing with chemicals.
The Rapporteur's draft report aims to incorporate lessons learned from the implementation of the current legislative framework, and address gaps to ensure fit-for-purpose and future-proof legislation to offer better protection of the environment. In particular, the draft report focuses on establishing stricter quality standard limits, including for glyphosphate and bisphenol, and on requesting guidelines for monitoring micro-plastic, anti-microbial resistance genes and chemicals like PFAS.
The Rapporteur's draft report aims to incorporate lessons learned from the implementation of the current legislative framework, and address gaps to ensure fit-for-purpose and future-proof legislation to offer better protection of the environment. In particular, the draft report focuses on establishing stricter quality standard limits, including for glyphosphate and bisphenol, and on requesting guidelines for monitoring micro-plastic, anti-microbial resistance genes and chemicals like PFAS.