Rapporteur's analysis of the Draft Budget 2024 - 28.6.23

28-06-2023 - 09:26
Budget 2024 written with Scrabble letters with a yellow background
© Image used under the license from Adobe Stock

The Committee on Budgets heard the presentation by Siegfried Mureşan (EPP) on his working document analysing the Draft Budget 2024. The presentation took place in the context of the Commission's recent adoption of the statement of estimates for the year 2024 and their presentation to the Members of the Committee on Budgets on 7 June 2023.

The working document contributes to the preparation of Parliament's reading of the budget and of the subsequent budgetary negotiation. The next budgetary trilogue is to take place on 18 July, where the Council's reading and Parliament's initial assessment of the Draft Budget for 2024 will be discussed. Parliament will adopt its reading in autumn, thereby triggering the opening of the conciliation period, which is designed to allow Parliament and the Council to reach an agreement.