Debate on Euro 7 - Type approval of vehicles draft report
26-06-2023 - 13:06
On 15 June, ENVI discussed the draft report on the proposal for a Regulation on Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles, with respect to their emissions from the tailpipe and from brake and tyre abrasion and battery durability (Euro 7).
The proposal aims to reduce pollution from all new motor vehicles sold in the EU with a view to meet the European Green Deal's zero-pollution ambition, while keeping vehicles affordable for consumers and promoting Europe's competitiveness.
In the draft report, Rapporteur on the file proposes to increase the transition times to allow the industry to adjust, as well as ease requirements for on-board monitoring and heavy-duty vehicles. The rapporteur also calls for achievable targets that are consistent and proportionate with the investments needed for compliance with CO2 standards.
In the draft report, Rapporteur on the file proposes to increase the transition times to allow the industry to adjust, as well as ease requirements for on-board monitoring and heavy-duty vehicles. The rapporteur also calls for achievable targets that are consistent and proportionate with the investments needed for compliance with CO2 standards.