Call for tenders: new framework contract launched for the provision of expertise

09-06-2023 - 18:55
Invitation for tender symbol. Concept words 'Invitation for tender'. Beautiful grey background. Business and invitation for tender concept
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The European Parliament has launched an open call for tenders for a multiple framework service contract for the provision of external expertise in the fields of Employment, Social policy and social protection and Health and safety at work. It is intended to support the work of the EMPL Committee by enabling it to order studies, in-depth analyses, briefings and workshops. The deadline for receipt of the tenders is 18 September 2023 at 12:00 CET.

The Policy Department on Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies is organising this new framework contract and has divided it into three lots.

Lot 1: Employment policy

Lot 2: Social policy and social protection

Lot 3: Health and safety at work

The total budget is 1.8 million EUR (for all lots combined, for a maximum of 4 years).

For more information, please visit the EU eTendering website.