Presentation of the Commission's Draft Budget 2024 by Commissioner Hahn – 7.6.2023

07-06-2023 - 19:15
Drawing of political people holding coins and the public services which are financed.
© Image used under the license from Adobe Stock

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration, presented the Commission's Draft Budget for the year 2024 to the Members of the Committee on Budgets on 7 June 2023. The 2024 budget is of particular importance since the procedure is expected to run in parallel with discussions on a revision of the 2021-2027 EU long term budget (multiannual financial framework - MFF).

The next stage is for the Council to adopt its position on the Draft Budget, to which Parliament will respond, before the opening of the conciliation period, which will take place in autumn with a view to finding a compromise and adopt the final budget by the end of the year.