Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation: Exchange of Views with Commissioner Hahn

25-05-2023 - 10:31
Johannes Hahn, responsible for Budget and Administration, speaking at a podium with the European Commission's logo in the background
Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration © European Union, 2021

On 24 May 2023, the Committees on Budgets and on Budgetary Control jointly had an exchange of views with Commissioner Hahn on the implementation of the Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation.

The Committees on Budgets and on Budgetary control invited Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration, to a joint meeting to update and exchange views with Members about the implementation steps taken by Hungary with regard to its remedial measures since the adoption of the Council decision of 15 December 2022 to suspend 55% (corresponding to 6.3 bn. EUR) of the budgetary commitments under three operational programmes in Cohesion Policy, and to prohibit the Commission to enter into legal commitments with public interest trusts, or any entity maintained by such public interest trusts, for programmes implemented in direct and indirect management. The Commissioner should furthermore inform the Members about other relevant developments with regard to the application of the Conditionality Regulation.